Our authors come from across the world , bringing stories of adventure, families, facts and challenges, poetry, illustrations, and drawing with words, direct to schools in the UK, Far East and other countries too.
Books Go Walkabout brings so much more than just the book and an author. Our focus is on bringing that sense of adventure, the sense of a big world to explore; reading is the best route into our amazing world. Our authors work directly with schools before and after an event, to share their experience and books, leaving children with a passion to continue through reading and writing.

Quote from Beth McNeilly, School Librarian, Shrewsbury International School, Hong Kong
”All members of our school community benefit greatly from visits with authors, illustrators, poets, and storytellers.
Literacy improves overall, as interaction with these guests leads to children reading more – not only of the visitor’s books, but reading matter of all kinds.
Children see that these visitors are pursuing their passions, which in turn excites their own confidence and desire to learn more about the types of stories and facts that interest them.
Teachers incorporate aspects of the visit into classroom work and report how students’ enthusiasm for telling and writing their own stories.
Parents hear about the visitor from their children and notice them borrowing more books from the library. Parents can be invited to sessions as well, to observe how an author or storyteller shares their work, allowing them to experience firsthand the positive impact such visits have. These experiences, in turn, can inform their own reading time with their children.
Author visits are also an excellent opportunity to promote Shrewsbury’s commitment to empowering student literacy and focus on a schoolwide reading culture across various media platforms.”
Booking visits, workshops, online and in person,contact us at Books Go Walkabout
See a sample of our author and illustrator profiles below…Ken Wilson Max, Julia Seal, Jill Calder, Carole Wilkinson, Cheryl Moskowitz, Lili Wilkinson, Leigh Hobbs, Joanna Grochowicz, Candy Gourlay and Ifeoma Onyefulu…
# We are always happy to engage creative people to support your work or setting.
# We will blend the work to support your curriculum or event aims.
# We support our authors and illustrators on your day.
# Making sure any books you have ordered are delivered well in time.
# We can support book purchases directly from your parents and carers by creating a specific secure web page or pre-event flyer.
To have a diary date discussion or to explore our support options, fees and invoicing arrangements – contact suemartin (AT) booksgowalkabout.com
We carry full professional indemnity insurance, public liability, employer liability and product liability cover at all times. Full details upon request if required.